Why I Love That Mark Manson Is Quitting Self Help

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readDec 15, 2021


Photo by Shiromani Kant on Unsplash

“The standard roadmap for self-help authors when they produce a hit book is to spend the next 20–30 years regurgitating the same ideas over and over again in various formats…. To me that sounds about as interesting as sticking my dick in a light socket.”

-Mark Manson

Mark Manson threw the fucking gauntlet down the other day.

He announced he was quitting self-help in this article (linked below).

I have enormous respect for his decision. As the author of several best-selling self-help books, and the owner of a ginormously popular blog, Mark is basically a writing God.

But he’s quitting writing about his bread and butter — self-help. Why?

I’ll break the reasons down right now, which might hold a lot of wisdom for a lot of people.

He Had Already “Helped Himself”— What Was The Point Of Writing About Self-Help Anymore?

