No worries Holly, I didn't take offense to any of this. I guess all I am trying to say in the piece is that we also need to respond appropriately to things. Like, what level of overstepping from our family justifies a response where we step away? My sister went through a lot of shit (just like I did), and I understand her focus on self-care at the moment, but I think we had pretty darn good parents when we look at all the evidence. And I get it with the group texts with weird Uncles, etc. but in my example maybe she would actually enjoy the conversation once it got going? Maybe she missed out on an opportunity to get to know her family? I don't want her to feel obligated to be with us or spend more time, and I do want her to focus on self care, but I don't think her response matches the level of harm my parents did or justifies it. Jesus, at least we HAD parents! That's where I'm coming from I guess.
And wouldn't it be better to look at life through a lens of gratefulness rather than ungratefulness? What does ungratefulness do to our souls? For me it's like poison. I suppose right now I'm being ungrateful for the time my sister does give me. It doesn't make me feel good to come at this with negative emotion.
Anyway, no worries, I didn't take offense.