Malcolm Pryce, did you know I spent a month in the Philippines? This story really touched me. I traveled out into the provinces myself a few months ago and while they had running water and electricity, it was quite different from everything I am accustomed to here in America.
But I loved every second. The people were warm, they bent over backwards for me, and they never stopped staring — but it wasn’t a bad sort of stare it was more of a “wow, there’s an American guy over there” sort of stare.
I hear as well a lot of people saying that Filipina girls only want your money or to marry you for citizenship and I hate hearing that god damn perspective.
The truth is the people in that country are absolutely incredible and about a billion times tougher than anyone I’ve met in America so far.
I am dating a Filipina right now that I met here in America while she was doing an internship.
I love their people, and I really loved this story.