I'm sure you're a great person so don't take this personally, but isn't this a little weird? ...
First you responded to me chastising me for being ignorant about Mexico (and racist), and then when I told you my opinions were formed via intimate conversations with a lifetime resident who studies the inner workings of corruption, greed, and inequality of this country at the best University of Mexico, you're now saying that she's wrong, too.
So you're saying that you know Mexico better than someone who literally lives here and has a body of experience in this country so astronomically wide that you'd never be able to even fathom it in your wildest dreams? Not to mention she's literally gone to school for 6 years studying political science, learning about the EXACT reasons there's so many problems here in Mexico from the standpoint of government and corruption....
...and you're saying you know better than her?
That is showcasing an unbelievable amount of ignorance and arrogance, which quite frankly dwarfs the ignorance and arrogance you accused me of showcasing in my article.
There's a lot to fix in this great country. I hope it does so the people can get help. Telling ourselves lies and calling people who tell the truth racist isn't helping anything.